Thursday, October 27, 2011

Top 5 Scary Movies to Watch on Halloween

  In the spirit of Halloween, I've put together a list of movies that will make you want to turn on the lights and throw the covers over your head!  If your anything like me, then you enjoy getting the Beejesus scared out of you... this list is sure to do just that. So if your looking for gore, suspense and thrills take your pick from this R rated list of classics.

The Exorcist
    "What an excellent day for an exorcism."

I love the Exorcist, and after exposure to God knows how many horror films, the Exorcist remains my favorite within the genre.One the most bloodcurdling movies ever made, the anxiety level in this movie is not for the faint of heart. 

"During the cold winter months of 1973, the release of   The Exorcist became a national phenomenon. Watch the brutal depiction of a 12-year-old girl possessed by an evil spirit as the exorcist tries to save her."-imdb

People stood outside for hours in the cold weather to get a ticket, and the lines in all major cites were said to circle entire blocks. This movie had people throwing up, running out of the theater and crying like babies. Watch the brutal depiction of a 12-year-old girl possessed by an evil spirit as the exorcist tries to save her."

  The Shining

   "Heeere's Johnny!"

The Shining is undoubtedly one of Stanley Kubrick's  acknowledged masterpieces and a true classic in Horror cinema. The Shining in my opinion is two movies in one, it has dark comedy and it's a horror flick. I find Jack Nicholson's outrageous and in many cases non-scripted onscreen antics quite funny.
"A family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where an evil and spiritual presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific visions from the past and of the future." -imdb

-The film is an adaptation of Stephen King's original novel, written in the late '70s, and although the film is not very loyal to the book, it still stands on it's own.


"They're coming outta the walls... They're coming outta the goddam walls!"

 I know what your thinking... "wait, i thought this was horror movie list, not a scifi list"  yeah, but this movie is an experience all on it's own.  A high tension, adrenaline pumping nightmare! That's why I had to add this movie to my list... cause it's FREAKING SCARY!!!!

"After Ellen Ripley survives her dreadful ordeal, her escape vessel is recovered after drifting across the galaxy as she slept in cryogenic stasis. When she is taken back to Earth, she learns that a human colony was founded on the same planet where the aliens were first found. After contact with the colony is lost, she finds herself sent back to the planet along with a team of warriors bent on destroying the alien menace forever, and saving any survivors -- if any remain." -imdb

 The Thing
"I dunno what the hell's in there, but it's weird and pissed off, whatever it is..."

Intense paranoia grips you from start to finish, this movie will keep you on the edge of you seat! Definitely one of my favorite John Carpenter movies of all time. This movie is 20 years old by now...way before CGI, yet the special effects are truly frightening and completely ahead of it's time. 

"The movie takes place in Antarctic in 1982, the movie focuses specifically on a group of American scientists. We are given no introduction to their mission, but are thrust into their existence when a crazy Norwegian appears at their base camp, chasing an escaped dog. The Norwegian is killed, and the dog finds its way into the colony" -imdb

... which is when things really start to get crazy. The 'Thing' itself is a truly horrifying and disturbing creation. Those who have a low tolerance for gore and blood had best prepare themselves for watching this movie.
It is a true shame this movie is only getting the proper recognition it deserves due to the prequel now in theaters also titled  'The Thing'.  Regardless of  a box office flop when released in 1982, this film can now be appreciated as a true masterpiece of sci/fi and horror.


"Your suffering will be legendary, even in hell."

Pure Horror!! This is one of the sickest and most depraved horror films of its time, and I love every minute of it. Dramatic, gory, groundbreaking horror, delivered to us in a tiny little puzzle box. The story is original and horrifying, the make-up effects are flawless and very brutal, the characters get under your skin and will haunt your thoughts long after you finished watching this movie. Clive Barker is definitely one of the most talented authors in the field of horror. .

"An unfaithful wife encounters the remains of her dead lover, who's being chased by demons after he escapes from their sick and twisted  realm. Having lost his earthly body to a trio of demons called Cenobites,  he is brought back into existence by a drop of blood on the floor. He soon forces his former mistress to bring him his necessary human sacrifices to complete his body..." -imdb
What unfolds next is the stuff true nightmares are made of.

                                    Have a safe and Happy Halloween!!

Thanks for checking out my super duper scary list of essential classic Horror movies to watch on Halloween! If you have any other movie suggestions (must be SCARY) please leave a comment telling us about it. You can see more reviews and info on all the movies I've listed at

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